Financial Aid Disclosures
Michigan College of Beauty
1020 S. Monroe St.
Monroe, MI 48161
Federal Student Consumer Information Requirements:
The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many disclosures and reporting requirements that a postsecondary education school is required to distribute or make available to prospective and current students, and other consumers. These “Acts” will only apply to institutions who participate in federally funded financial aid programs.
MCB is a participant in the following federal student aid programs: Federal Direct Loans and Federal Pell Grant Program. Students, parents and other consumers may visit the MCB website for various information about the school. The website’s homepage is located at: The MCB Office of Financial Aid is located at 1020 S. Monroe St., Monroe MI 48161. Students, parents or other consumers may use the following contact information: Michigan College of Beauty – Monroe, Financial Aid Coordinator, 1020 S. Monroe St., Monroe, Michigan 48161. Telephone 734-241-8877 and email: [email protected]
Annual Notice to Enrolled Students:
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to students. The following information is disclosed to you as a student at MCB in compliance with federal law. Each year by July 1st, an e-mail notification is made to all enrolled students, faculty, and staff that provides the website to access these disclosures. These disclosures are also posted on the MCB website at: (to be placed on the MCB website following review and approval by the US Dept. of Education). A paper copy will be provided upon request. Each topic listed in bold print throughout this document contains a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at MCB. Each topic provides a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and provides access to the information.
For more information on these disclosures, the MCB Office of Financial Aid is located at 1020 S. Monroe St., Monroe MI 48161. Students, parents or other consumers may use the following contact information: Michigan College of Beauty – Monroe, Financial Aid Coordinator, 1020 S. Monroe St., Monroe, Michigan 48161. Telephone 734-241-8877 and email: [email protected]
Students interested in applying for financial assistance available through the U.S Department of Education (USDE) must complete their application process as soon as possible to ensure eligibility for these funds and to ensure that your educational goals can be met without interruption. The most common sources of federal aid are made available to students through the Federal Pell Grant Program and the Federal Direct Student Loan Program.
Completion, Graduation, Retention, and Placement Rates:
Each year, MCB must determine completion, graduation, retention and placement rates of its students and report it to the U.S. Department of Education via the IPEDS website. This includes information on the diversity of the student body, including percentage of enrolled, full-time students who are male, female, self-identified members of a major racial or ethnic group and Federal Pell Grant recipients. This information is made available to the current and prospective students as well as the public on the College Navigator website at:
In addition, and in compliance with the Student Right to Know Act, The College Navigator website link provided immediately above provides completion and graduation rates, and, if applicable, transfer-out rates for a specific cohort of the general student body, disclosed by July 1st of each year and disseminated to enrolled and prospective students upon request, disaggregated by: gender; major racial or ethic subgroup; recipients of a Federal Pell Grant; recipients of a subsidized Stafford Loan who did not receive a Pell Grant and students who did not receive either a Pell Grant or a subsidized Stafford Loan.
US Department of Education Student Financial Assistance:
Federal Pell Grants are available to low income families and do not have to be repaid. These grants currently provide up to $6345 for the 2020-2021 academic year of education. Federal Direct Loans are also available to most students and can provide approximately $9,500 per academic year for independent students or $5,500 per academic year for dependent students. The USDE may subsidize a portion of these loan amounts for low income families resulting in the family incurring no interest on these loans while the student is completing his/her education. Unsubsidized Direct Loans are generally available to any student regardless of income or credit history. These student loans are not free money and do have to be repaid. Repayment of your student loans generally begins in the 7th month after you complete your training or withdraw from the program.
Applying for federal financial aid is an easy, web-based process. You can apply for and monitor your financial aid process at This USDE web site is a student’s home page for his/her federal aid application process. There are only two documents that you need to complete via this web site to begin your financial aid process.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):
This application must be completed by you (and your spouse, if married OR your parents, if you do not meet the USDE definition of an “independent” student as determined during the application process). It is extremely important any income reported on the FAFSA is imported using the “IRS Data Retrieval” process available to you as you complete your FAFSA online. This will ensure accurate data and will reduce the possibility that you will need to obtain proof of your tax information from the IRS which will significantly delay your federal aid. When you complete the application, you should include the school’s 6-digit code number so the institution receives the results of your application.
Electronic Master Promissory Note (E-MPN):
If you are applying for student loans, you must complete an electronic master promissory note (E-MPN). You must also include the school’s 6-digit number on this document (016454).
Both above documents require your electronic signature for authorization. Your USDE issued Federal Student Aid Identification (FSA-ID) is used as your electronic signature similar to the process used for debit card or ATM transactions. If you do not have a USDE issued FSA-ID, you may also apply for one to be issued to you through this same web site at the (FSA-ID) “Create One” link.
E_MPN Example:
By signing the E-MPN you acknowledge that Information about your loans will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Information in NSLDS is accessible to schools, lenders, and guarantors for specific purposes.
Before the institution may disburse any loan proceeds on your behalf you must also complete a process called “Entrance Counseling”. This can also be completed by you electronically through the website. At the completion of the counseling session, a “Congratulations” page will be displayed. Please print this page and provide it to the school to expedite your financial aid award process.
Financial aid administrators are available at Michigan College of Beauty for any questions you may have about your financial aid process. Please complete the requirements described in this document as soon as possible and congratulations on your decision to further your education.
Descriptions of financial assistance programs available to students who enroll at Michigan College of Beauty:
Federal Pell Grant: The Federal Pell Grant program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain post baccalaureate students to promote access to postsecondary education. Students may use their grants at any one of approximately 5400 participating postsecondary institutions. Grant amounts are dependent on: the students expected family contribution (EFC); the cost of attendance (as determined by the institution); the students enrollment status (full-time or part-time); and whether the student attends for a full academic year or less.
Students may not receive Federal Pell Grant funds from more than one school at a time.
Financial need is determined by the U.S. Department of Education using a standard formula, established by Congress, to evaluate the financial information reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and to determine the family EFC. The fundamental elements in this standard formula are the students income (and assets if the student is independent), the parents; income and assets (if the student is dependent), the family’s household size, and the number of family members (excluding parents) attending postsecondary institutions. The EFC is the sum of (1) a percentage of net income (remaining income after subtracting allowances for basic living expenses and taxes) and (2) a percentage of net assets (assets remaining after subtracting an asset protection allowance). Different assessment rates and allowances are used for dependent student, independent students without dependents, and independent students with dependents. After filing a FAFSA, the student receives a Student Air Report (SAR), or the institution receives an Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR), which notifies the student if he or she is eligible for a Federal Pell Grant and provides the student’s EFC.
FSA Handbook (
Federal Pell Grants are direct grants awarded through participating institutions to students with financial need who have not received their first bachelor’s degree or who are enrolled in certain post baccalaureate programs that lead to teacher certification or licensure. Participating institutions either credit the Federal Pell Grant funds to the student’s school account, pay the student directly (usually by check) or combine these methods. Students must be paid at least once per term (semester, trimester, or quarter); schools that do not use formally defined terms must pay the student at least twice per academic year.
Federal Student Loans: The U.S. Department of Education’s federal student loan program is the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program. Under this program, the U.S. Department of Education is your lender. There are four types of Direct Loans Available:
Direct Subsidized Loans: loans made to eligible undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need to help cover the costs of higher education at college or career school.
Direct Unsubsidized Loans: loans made to eligible undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, but eligibility is not based on financial need.
Direct PLUS Loans: loans made to graduate or professional students and parents of dependent undergraduate students to help pay for education expenses not covered by other financial aid. Eligibility is not based on financial need, but a credit check is required. Borrowers who have an adverse credit history must meet additional requirements to qualify.
Direct Consolidation Loans: allow you to combine all your eligible federal student loans into a single loan with a single loan servicer.
Private Loans: Michigan College of Beauty does not engage in the practice of private loans.
34 C.F.R. § 668.42(a)
HEOA Sec. 488(c)
HEA Sec. 485(d)
How Much Federal Aid Can I Get?
After you file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) through the USDE’s web site, the institution will receive an Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). This report contains the results of your application and will also determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Your EFC is the amount of money you, and your spouse or parent(s) are expected to pay towards your educational expenses.
The EFC will be used to determine your eligibility for federal aid. Your financial aid is determined annually for each school year. The institution determines that a full school year (also referred to as an academic year) is a period that includes 900 clock hours and 26 weeks of instruction. You may be eligible to receive a full annual award for each school year/academic year. If your program is more than one year but less than 2 years, you may be eligible for a full year’s financial aid for the first 900 hours and potentially a prorated amount of aid for the partial second academic year. For enrollment in a program that is less than a full school year (less than 900 hours), you may be eligible only for a prorated annual award.
Federal Pell Grants:
The maximum annual award for the Federal Pell Grant program is determined annually by Congress and is $6345 for the 2020-2021 award year. Eligible applicants with an EFC of zero (000000) on their ISIR may be eligible for this award amount. Award amounts decrease as the EFC value increases, and most EFC values in excess of 5000 are not eligible for Federal Pell Grants.
Federal Direct Student Loans:
Students may also be eligible to obtain loans through the U.S. Department of Education. Loan eligibility is based in part on dependency status. Student who are considered by law to be “independent” can qualify for up to $9,500 for their first full academic year of training. Dependent students may be eligible to obtain student loans up to $5,500 for their first academic year. Low income students who qualify may be able to have up to $3,500 of the maximum amounts shown above subsidized by the USDE. Subsidized loans are those for which the interest is paid by the USDE while a student is completing their training. Your loan counseling material will more fully explain the details of subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The amount of subsidized and/or unsubsidized loans for which you may qualify is based on the Cost of Attendance (COA) for the academic year less your EFC value and any other financial aid you may be receiving. Your award letter will provide you with the COA and the total amount of your federal aid eligibility for the school year. You should contact the financial aid administrator at Michigan College of Beauty for more details about your financial aid package.
Parent PLUS Loans:
Parents of dependent students may also be eligible to obtain loans through the U.S. Department of Education for education expenses not covered by other financial aid. Parents need to visit and apply for a parent PLUS loan. To receive a Direct PLUS Loan, you must:
- Be a graduate or professional student enrolled at least half time at an eligible school in a program leading to a graduate or professional degree or certificate, or be the parent (biological, adoptive, or in some cases, stepparent) of a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least half-time at an eligible school;
- Not have an adverse credit history; and
- Meet the general eligibility requirements for federal student aid. ( If you are borrowing on behalf of your child, your child must also meet these requirements.
A credit check will be performed during the application process.
VA Benefits:
VA benefits are available for those who qualify. See your local VA representative for your Award Letter.
Financial Aid Award Example:
An otherwise eligible independent student files a FAFSA and receives a calculated EFC value of zero. This means that the family is not expected to contribute towards the cost of attendance, and the student is fully eligible for federal aid. The school determines that the Cost of Attendance (COA) for the first academic year (900 hours) is approximately $20,000 including tuition, fees, books, materials, tools, and allowances for living costs such as room, board, personal expenses, and transportation.
Based on this COA and EFC equal to zero, the student would be eligible for full Pell Grants and Direct Student Loans for the academic year. The Pell Grant would equal $5920 for the 2017-2018 academic year and $6095 for the 2018-1019 academic year, and the Direct Loans would equal $9,500. These awards would be disbursed in 2 halves. The first payment would be made at the beginning of the academic year and the second payments would be made when the student completed half of the academic year (450 hours).
Withdrawing from school:
Students who wish to officially withdraw from school must complete and sign the Student Status form. Students should indicate that they are withdrawing on the form. This form can be obtained from the School Manager. The School Manager can be reached at 1-734-241-8877 or by email at: [email protected]
Transfer students:
Michigan College of Beauty welcomes students transferring from other schools that meet all of our admissions requirements. Students that wish to transfer hours to Michigan College of Beauty from another school will have their previous training evaluated through a combination of written and practical examinations administered at Michigan College of Beauty. A non-refundable testing fee of $200 will be charged for this purpose. Performance on these exams will determine the appropriate number of hours that can be transferred. An official transcript from a student’s previous school(s) is also required. For more information on transfers, please contact the School Manager at 1-734-241-8877 or by email at: [email protected]
Cancellation and settlement/refund policy:
- Enrollment time is defined as the time elapsed between the actual starting date and the date of the student’s last day of physical attendance in the school. The refund is calculated based on the student’s last date of attendance. This policy applies to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, course or program cancellation, or school closure. This policy complies with the mandated policy. School scheduled vacation periods are not included as enrollment time. Michigan College of Beauty – Monroe (hereinafter referred to as Michigan College of Beauty) reserves the right to amend this refund policy in order to comply with new regulations which may be issued by governmental regulatory agencies.
- Any monies due the applicant or student shall be refunded within forty-five (45) days of official cancellation or withdrawal. Official cancellation or withdrawal shall occur on the date that:
- An applicant is not accepted by the school. This applicant shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid.
- A student (or in the case of a student under legal age, his/her parent or legal guardian) cancels his/her contract and requests his/her money back in writing, within three business days of the signing of the enrollment agreement or contract. In this case all monies collected by the school shall be refunded. This policy applies regardless of whether or not the student has actually started training.
- A student cancels his/her contract after three business days after signing, but prior to entering classes. In this case he/she shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid to the school less the registration fee of $100.
- A student notifies the institution of his/her withdrawal.
- A student on an approved leave of absence notifies the school that he or she will not be returning. The date of withdrawal shall be the earlier of the date of expiration of the leave of absence or the date the student notifies the institution that the student will not be returning; or
- A student is expelled by the school.
- If the school closes, cancels or discontinues a course and/or program, and ceases to offer instruction after students have enrolled and instruction has begun, the school shall at its option:
- Provide a pro rata refund for all students transferring to another school based on the hours accepted by the receiving school; or
- Provide completion of the course and/or program; or
- Participate in a Teach-Out Agreement; or
- Provide a full refund of all monies paid
- If a course and/or program is canceled subsequent to a student’s enrollment, and before instruction in the course and/or program has begun, the school shall at its option:
- Provide a full refund of all monies paid; or
- Provide completion of the course and/or program
- If the school closes permanently and ceases to offer instruction after students have enrolled, and instruction has begun, the school will make arrangements for students. This school has as its option:
- a) Provide a pro rata refund; or
- b) Participate in a Teach-Out Agreement
In type 2, 3, 4 or 5, official cancellations or withdrawals, the cancellation date will be determined by the postmark on written notification, or the date said information is delivered to the school administrator/director in person. This policy applies regardless of whether the student has actually started training.
- Any monies due a student who unofficially withdraws from the institution shall be refunded within 45 days of a determination by the institution that the student has withdrawn without notifying the institution. Unofficial withdrawals are monitored and determined by the institution a minimum of once a month (every 30 days). Students not in attendance for 10 consecutive calendar days will automatically be terminated from the school. For students who unofficially withdraw the withdrawal date will be 14 consecutive calendar days from the last day of attendance.
- For students who enroll in and begin classes, the following schedule of tuition adjustments will be considered to meet minimum standards for refund. The refund is calculated based on the student’s last date of attendance and calculated on actual hours of attendance.
0.01% to 4.9% 20%
5% to 9.9% 30%
10% to 14.9% 40%
15% to 24.9% 45%
25% to 49.9% 70%
50% and over 100%
- All extra costs of textbooks, kits and training materials not included in the tuition price, which is stated in the catalog and contract, are non-refundable items.
- A termination/withdrawal fee of $150 will be applied.
- When situations of mitigating circumstances are in evidence, Michigan College of Beauty has adopted a policy wherein the refund to the student may exceed the Minimum Tuition Adjustment Schedule.
- Michigan College of Beauty has in place a collection policy. The school will pursue collection procedures that reflect ethical business practices. The name of NACCAS will not be used in the school’s refund policy or in any of its collection efforts. Collection correspondence regarding cancellation and settlement for the school itself, banks, collection agencies, lawyers, or any other third parties representing the school clearly acknowledges the existence of the Withdrawal and Settlement Policy. If promissory notes or contracts for tuition are sold or discounted to third parties, the third party must comply with the cancellation and settlement policy of the school.
- Return of Unearned Title IV Funds for Title IV Aid recipients: Federal regulations have been enacted which state that students may forfeit a portion of their federal student financial assistance if they fail to complete the program of student in which they were enrolled. This policy affects students who: a) received or were to receive Federal student financial assistance authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act and who, on or after October 7, 2000, withdrew or were terminated from the institution during the first 60% of any payment period.
Eligible Title IV aid recipients who have less than 60% of scheduled hours in a payment period are considered to have not earned all of the federal aid that may have previously been awarded for that payment period. Accordingly, a required calculation will be performed to determine the portion of the unearned Federal student aid that must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education. This calculation will be done before a tuition refund calculation is performed in accordance with the institution’s refund policy. In many cases, the Return of Unearned Title IV Funds calculation will result in the student owing tuition and fees to the institution that would otherwise have been paid with Federal student aid. This policy may also result in the student owing a refund or unearned Federal aid to the Department of Education.
- Examples of Return of Unearned Title IV Funds are available in the school office.
- Return of Unearned Title IV Funds will be made in the following order:
- Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
- Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan
- Federal Unsubsidized Direct Student Loan
- Federal Subsidized Direct Student Loan
- Federal PLUS Loans
- Federal PLUS Direct Student Loan
- Federal Pell Grants
- Other assistance programs authorized by Title IV
Example of Return of Unearned Funds Calculation:
Clock Hour Institutions
Payment Period Length: 450 Clock Hours
Title IV Federal Aid Awarded for Payment Period: $7342.00
Student’s Scheduled Hours of Attendance as of Withdrawal Date: 150 Clock Hours
In this example, $7342.00 of federal financial aid was awarded to a student for 450 hour period of training. The student withdrew from school after only 150 scheduled hours of attendance (example: the student was scheduled to attend 30 hours per week and withdrew at the end of the 5th week of enrollment). Accordingly, this student was enrolled for 33.3% (150/450) of the 450 hour payment period. Since the student was enrolled for only 33.3% of the payment period, only 33.3% of the federal aid was earned by the student. The remaining 66.7% of the aid that has not been earned must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education. In this case, $4897.00 (66.7%) of the original aid awarded must be returned and only the $2,445.00 (33.3%) of earned federal aid may be applied to the student’s educational costs. A similar calculation is performed for all federal aid recipients who withdraw from school during the first 60% of the period of time for which monies were awarded. Once a student has been enrolled for more than 60% of the payment period, all of the federal aid that has been awarded for that period is considered to be fully earned.
Title IV (Federal Financial Aid) Credit Balance:
A Title IV (Federal Financial Aid) Credit Balance occurs when a Title IV Disbursement posted to a student’s account creates a Title IV Credit Balance. If a student’s Federal Pell Grant or Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan disbursement created the Title IV Credit Balance, the check is issued to the student. If a student’s parent’s Federal Direct PLUS Loan disbursement created the Title IV Credit Balance, the check is issued to the student’s parent. The check has to be made available to student and/or parent within 14 calendar days of the Title IV Credit Balance. It is important for students and/or parents to remember that checks are from borrowing Federal Direct Loans that have to be repaid to the U.S. Department of Education and the funds are to only be used for living expenses.
Dependency Overrides:
In unusual circumstances, financial aid administrators are given the authority, under Section 480(d)(1)(I) of the HEA, to determine that a student is independent; this is a dependency override. As with the authority to make adjustments to the cost of attendance or the values of the data items required to calculate the expected student or parent contribution (or both) to allow for treatment of an individual eligible applicant with special circumstances under Section 479A of the HEA (known as “professional judgment” decisions), dependency override decisions must be made on a student-by-student basis, and the basis for each determination must be well documented in the student’s file.
Documentation is a critical aspect of the dependency override process. The documentation must include the reason for the determination and must support the decision. In almost all cases, the documentation should originate from a third party with knowledge of the unusual circumstances of the student. The third party confirming the student’s unusual circumstance could include: counselors or teachers, clergy, community groups, government agencies, medical personnel, courts, or prison administrators. In rare circumstances where third party confirmation cannot be obtained, the financial aid administrator may – but is not required to – accept a signed statement from the student alone, or the student and his or her relatives or friends; however, the use of this form of documentation may occur only in extremely rare circumstances.
Situations that might warrant a dependency override include the student’s voluntary or involuntary removal from the parents’ home due to an abusive situation that threatened the student’s safety and/or health, the student’s abandonment by the parents, or the inability of the student to locate the parents.
Several conditions that do not qualify as unusual circumstances, either individually or in combination, include parents who refuse to contribute, are unwilling to provide information, or do not claim the student as an income tax dependent, or a student who demonstrates total self-sufficiency. In addition, the fact that a student’s parents live in another country does not qualify as an unusual circumstance.
Professional Judgement:
The Financial Aid Administrator at MCB can use their professional judgement to adjust a student’s eligibility for Federal Financial Aid. Some reasons for using professional judgment are as follows:
- Dependency Override Change in Earnings / Untaxed Income / Benefits Divorce / Separation /
- Death of a Spouse or Parent
- Unusually High Medical or Dental Expenses NOT covered by insurance
- Unemployment / Disability Rollover Exclusion
- Tuition Expenses at an Elementary or Secondary School Nursing Home Expenses NOT covered by insurance
- Unusually High Child Care or Dependent Care Costs
- Dislocated Worker Status of a Family Member
- Received a one-time income distribution
- Housing Status of Student has resulted in homelessness
- Local Disaster (hurricane, earthquake, etc.)
Unreasonable Professional Judgment Examples:
- Mortgages / Rent Auto Loans / Insurance / Repairs Credit Card Debt (consumer debt)
- Educational Debt (consumer debt) Chapter 7 & 11, Personal Bankruptcy
- Medical Insurance Premiums
- Vacation Expenses
- Standard Living Expenses
- Parents refuse to contribute to the student’s education
- Parents are unwilling to provide information on the FAFSA or for verification
- Parents do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes
- Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency
The Financial Aid Administrator must make a “reasonable” decision that supports the professional judgment intent. The Financial Aid Administrator/schools will be held accountable for all professional judgment decisions and for fully documenting each professional judgment decision.
Availability of Employees for Information Dissemination Purposes:
Michigan College of Beauty – Monroe (MCB) is required to designate an employee or group of employees to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining all of the information specified below. If MCB has designated one person for an area of responsibility, that person shall be available, upon reasonable notice, to any enrolled or prospective student throughout the normal administrative working hours listed. If more than one person is designated, their combined work schedules have been arranged so that at least one of them is available, upon reasonable notice, throughout the normal administrative working hours listed.
Availability of Employees for Information Dissemination Purposes:
- Institutional and federal financial aid information – Financial Aid Coordinator; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 14
- Employee Information – School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
- Accreditation, Approval and Licensure of Institution and Programs – School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
- Students with Disability – School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
- Gainful Employment Information – Financial Aid Office; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 14
- Campus Crime and Safety–School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
- Campus Safety and Security Information – School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
- Admissions/Readmissions – Admissions Office; [email protected]; 734-24-8877, ext. 15
- Graduation/Retention Rates – School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
- Contact Information for Student Record Privacy and FERPA Information – School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
- Contact Information for Drug and Alcohol Use Prevention Program Information – School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
- Contact Information for Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions Information – School Manager; [email protected]; 734-241-8877, ext. 11
Entire offices, as indicated above, are designated for each item listed. Combined Work schedules have been arranged so that at least one person is available, upon reasonable notice, throughout the normal administrative working hours listed.
Vaccination Policy:
MCB does not require proof of vaccinations for students enrolled in any of its programs.
Rights and Responsibilities of Receiving Financial Aid:
Financial aid recipients must be aware of both their rights and responsibilities relating to financial aid. It’s important to know both your rights and responsibilities of receiving financial aid. Please read through both the rights and responsibilities to make sure you are getting the most from your financial aid.
As a student receiving financial aid at Michigan College of Beauty:
- You have the right to know that the information you give to Michigan College of Beauty or the Student Financial Aid Office will be treated confidentially as mandated by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
- You have the right to seek financial aid counseling.
- You have the right to know what financial assistance is available, including all federal, state, and institutional aid programs.
- You have the right to know the procedures and deadlines for submitting applications for each financial aid program (including federal, state, and institutional aid programs).
- You have the right to know how your financial aid awards were calculated, the criteria to receive each award, and how the funds will be distributed or disbursed.
- You have the right to accept or decline any of your financial aid award(s)
- Within certain time frames, you may cancel a loan or request a lower amount by contacting MCB or by refusing to accept, or returning all or a portion of a loan disbursement that is made to you.
- You have the right to know the terms of any employment program you participate in.
- If you are offered an educational loan, you have the right to know the lender, interest rate, the total amount to be repaid, deferment options, repayment procedures, the length of time you have to repay the loan, and when repayment begins.
- You have the right to submit a Special Circumstances Application, requesting reconsideration of your financial aid eligibility if you or your family’s circumstances change.
- You have the right to submit an Academic Progress Appeal if you do not meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- You have the right to know Michigan College of Beauty’s refund policy and the federal Return to Title IV policy.
As a student receiving financial aid at Michigan College of Beauty:
- You are responsible for providing accurate information to Michigan College of Beauty for Student Services or the Student Financial Aid Office.
- You are responsible for reapplying for financial aid each and every year.
- You are responsible for completing applications correctly and on time.
- You are responsible for reading and understanding all materials sent to you from Michigan College of Beauty for Student Services or the Student Financial Aid Office and all forms you are asked to submit or sign.
- You are responsible for requesting personal assistance if you have questions or don’t understand the information provided to you.
- You are responsible for submitting documentation and information requested by Michigan College of Beauty for Student Services or the Student Financial Aid Office in a timely manner and keeping copies for your own records.
- You are responsible for notifying MCB of any name or address changes.
- You are responsible for knowing and complying with the rules governing your financial aid awards.
- You are responsible for attending classes and completing the requirements for the program in which you enrolled.
- You are responsible for compliance with Michigan College of Beauty’s refund policy and Federal Return to Title IV Aid policy, should you withdraw from the School (either officially or unofficially).
- You are responsible for notifying Michigan College of Beauty for Student Services of any financial awards you receive from outside resources (including scholarships, grants, Veteran’s Benefits, tuition waivers, or other educational / tuition assistance) not already listed on your Financial Aid Award.
- If you borrow a student loan, you are responsible for completing loan entrance and exit counseling.
- You are responsible for the repayment of all loans in accordance with the terms of your promissory note. You are responsible for notifying your lender if any of the following occurs before your loan is repaid: change of address, graduation, withdrawal from Michigan College of Beauty or less than half-time attendance, name change, or transfer to another institution.
- You are responsible for maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- You are responsible for using financial aid for educational expenses incurred while attending Michigan College of Beauty.
- You are responsible for the repayment of any over award of financial aid.
Policy: Verification is a process which requires an institution to confirm the accuracy of information used to determine a student’s eligibility for federal student assistance. A student’s file may be selected for verification by either the school or by the U.S. Department of Education.
Procedure: If a student’s file has been selected for review under the verification process, depending upon the reason the file was selected, some of all of the following information may be requested from the student:
- A completed Verification Worksheet, signed by the student, spouse or parent when applicable.
- A signed copy of the U.S. Income Tax Return (Form 1040) that the taxpayer filed or an IRS Tax Return Transcript from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service will be required unless the student (and parents where applicable) have properly used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to import tax information into the student’s FAFSA record. A signed copy of the IRS Form 1040 or Tax Return Transcript will serve to confirm the accuracy of income and other tax related amounts that the student reported on his/her FAFSA application if the IRS/DRT has not been used.
Obtaining Tax Return Transcripts
Students can obtain tax return transcripts:
- Via the Internet at
- Via phone by calling 1-800-908-9946
- Via mail or fax by completing IRS Form 4506T-EZ
Internet or phone requests are easy, and transcripts will be mailed to the tax filer’s address within 5-10 days.
- Other documentation may be requested by the institution to verify the accuracy of your application information including, but not limited to, marital settlement agreements, divorce decrees, W-2 forms, etc.
Students must provide the above information to the institution within 120 days of the student’s last date of attendance, or before the respective award year funding processes close in accordance with dates published annually in the Federal Register, whichever is earlier. Failure to complete the verification requirements on a timely basis may result in forfeiture of any federal aid awarded during the award year.
Students will be notified by the institution if any discrepancies are discovered during the verification process. Students may be required to correct any erroneous information by using the ISIR correction process at The verification process is not considered to be completed during periods of corrective action. Corrections generally include a recalculation of the student’s EFC, and electronic resubmission of applicant information through the FAFSA Central Processor.
If a student’s award changes as a result of the verification process, the student will be counseled and informed of how the change affects his/her packaging and financial obligations to the institution.
In the event this verification process identifies that a student received an overpayment of federal aid, the student will be required to refund the overpayment promptly. The student will be ineligible for any future federal aid until any and all amounts owed are repaid. If the student fails to repay any refund due, or if the institution determines that the student may have engaged in fraud or misrepresentation regarding the federal aid process, the student will be referred to the U.S. Department of Education for further investigation and prosecution.
Students will forfeit their right to federal assistance for non-compliance with verification policies. For more information on this policy please see the Financial Aid Coordinator.
Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations:
A federal or state drug conviction can disqualify a student for FSA funds.
Convictions only count if they were for an offense that occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving Title IV aid (Federal Financial Aid)—they do not count if the offense was not during such a period. Also, a conviction that was reversed, set aside, or removed from the student’s record does not count, nor does one received when the student was a juvenile, unless the student was tried as an adult.
The school will provide a timely notice to each student who has lost eligibility for any grant, loan, or work-study assistance as a result of drug law violations.
The chart below illustrates the period of ineligibility for Federal Student Aid funds, depending on whether the conviction was for sale or possession and whether the student has previous offenses. (A conviction for sale of drugs includes convictions for conspiring to sell drugs.)
If convicted of an offense involving:
Possession of a controlled substance Sale of a controlled substance
Ineligibility period is: Ineligibility period is:
First offense 1 year First offense 2 years
Second offense 2 years Second offense Indefinite
Third offense Indefinite
If the student was convicted of both possessing and selling illegal drugs, and the periods of ineligibility are different, the student will be ineligible for the longer period.
A student regains eligibility the day after the period of ineligibility ends or when the student successfully completes a qualified drug rehabilitation program. Further drug convictions will make the student ineligible again.
Students denied eligibility for an indefinite period can regain it only after successfully completing a rehabilitation program as described below or if a conviction is reversed, set aside, or removed from the student’s record so that fewer than two convictions for sale or three convictions for possession remain on the record. In such cases, the nature and dates of the remaining convictions will determine when the student regains eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to certify that they have successfully completed the rehabilitation program.
When a student regains eligibility during the award year, the school may award Pell, ACT, SMART, TEACH, and Campus-based aid for the current payment period and Direct loans for the period of enrollment.
A Qualified drug rehabilitation program must include at least two unannounced drug tests and must satisfy at least one of the following requirements:
- Be qualified to receive funds directly or indirectly from a federal, state, or local government program.
- Be qualified to receive payments directly or indirectly from a federally or state-licensed insurance company.
- Be administered or recognized by a federal, state, or local government agency or court.
- Be administered or recognized by a federally or state-licensed hospital, health clinic, or medical doctor.
POLICY: This institution adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The FERPA is a Federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s education records. The law applies to all schools which receive funds under an applicable program from the U.S. Department of Education.
PROCEDURE: The FERPA gives certain rights to parents regarding their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student or former student who has reached the age of 18 or is attending any school beyond the high school level. Students and former students to whom the rights have transferred are called eligible students.
- Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review all of the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of materials in education records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to inspect the records personally. The school may charge for copies. Michigan College of Beauty will maintain student records for at least seven years in accordance with the State of Michigan regulations.
- Parents and eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school refuses to change the records, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still refuses the correction, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement in the records commenting on the contested information in the records.
- Generally, the school must have written permission from the parent or eligible student before releasing any information from a student’s record. However, the law allows schools to disclose records, without consent, to the following parties:
- School employees who have a need-to-know
- Other schools to which a student is transferring
- Parents when a student over 18 is still dependent
- Certain government officials in order to carry out lawful functions
- Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
- Organizations doing certain studies for the school
- Accrediting organizations
- Individuals who have obtained court orders or subpoenas
- Persons who need to know in cases of health and safety emergencies
- State and local authorities to whom disclosure is required by state laws adopted before November 19, 1974.
Disability Support Services:
Michigan College of Beauty – Monroe seeks to ensure that people with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, are given full access to and participation in all aspects of student life by removal of both physical and attitudinal barriers. MCB is an institution that welcomes and supports a diverse student body.
MCB facilitates the implementation of reasonable accommodations and services for students who self-identify as having a documented disability. Documentation of a disability is required to determine the need for and what type of special aids or adaptations may be helpful.
Accommodations and services are rendered based on the students documented needs and are determined through an interactive process. Prospective students with disabilities are advised to contact MCB as early as possible to ensure timely provision of reasonable accommodations, which might include alternative testing arrangements, adaptive equipment or specialized computer hardware and software. Services offered by MCB include academic advising, instructor consultation, and peer tutoring.
If you have questions or need further guidance, please contact the MCB School Manager at 734-241-8877, Ext. 11 or via email at: [email protected]
Placement Assistance:
Graduates have access to lifetime employment assistance. Job openings are posted on the Student Bulletin Board as well as the school’s social media sites (e.g. Facebook). MCB does not guarantee employment.
In addition:
- All students receive employability skill training during their respective programs
- All students prepare a resume prior to graduation
- MCB maintains a list of employers who have employed our graduates in the past
The Admissions Coordinator has principal responsibility for assisting students and graduates with placement, as well as the tracking of successful placement. The Admissions Coordinator can be reached at 734-241-8877, Ext. 15 or email at: [email protected]
Repeat Coursework Policies and Procedures:
MCB students may repeat a portion of their program in which they did not receive a passing grade to ensure entry level requirements and the requirements of MCB’s grading scale. The grading scale and additional information on satisfactory academic progress is located in MCB’s Catalog. For additional information please contact the MCB School Manager at 734-241-8877, Ext.11 or by email at: [email protected]
More Information:
For more information about Federal Financial Aid, please visit: or the MCB Financial Aid Coordinator at 734-241-8877, Ext. 14 or via email at [email protected]