Disability Support Services

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Disability Support Services

Michigan College of Beauty – Monroe seeks to ensure that people with disabilities, including
intellectual disabilities, are given full access to and participation in all aspects of student life by
removal of both physical and attitudinal barriers. MCB is an institution that welcomes and supports
a diverse student body.

MCB facilitates the implementation of reasonable accommodations and services for students
who self-identify as having a documented disability. Documentation of a disability is required to
determine the need for and what type of special aids or adaptations may be helpful.

Accommodations and services are rendered based on the students documented needs and are
determined through an interactive process. Prospective students with disabilities are advised to
contact MCB as early as possible to ensure timely provision of reasonable accommodations, which
might include alternative testing arrangements, adaptive equipment or specialized computer
hardware and software. Services offered by MCB include academic advising, instructor
consultation, and peer tutoring.

If you have questions or need further guidance, please contact the MCB School Manager.