COVID Safety & Precautions
The safety and wellbeing of our staff, students and guests is our top priority at Michigan College of Beauty. With that in mind, and in compliance with state orders, we have put in place the following precautions for guests of our student salon to mitigate the spread of the virus.
MCB Guest Protocol for COVID-19
- All guests will need to have appointments for services. Guests can call 1-734-241-8877 to make an appointment. We will begin scheduling appointments on Wednesday, June 17th at 9am.
- Guests are asked to call Michigan College of Beauty upon arrival for their appointments
- Temperature checks: using a touchless infrared thermometer, each guest will have their temperature checked upon check-in. Any guest who has a temperature above 99F will not be allowed to enter.
- We will limit entry to people accompanying our guests to caregivers or their minor dependents
- Masks required: all guests are required to wear masks per Michigan State Order
- Students will use clear plastic face shields AND a face mask when working with our guests
- MCB will clean and disinfect all salon stations thoroughly between guests
- Students will be encouraged to regularly wash hands and use sanitizer throughout the day, especially before and after working with guests
- All guests will be asked the following upon arrival:
- Have you had a cough recently?
- Have you had a fever
- Have you been around anyone who is sick or quarantined?
- All guests with an underlying health condition or who has been around someone ill will need to wait 14 days to reschedule their appointment.
- Guests will be required to sign a COVID-19 liability waiver